Sunday, 19 May 2024


31 March 2021

In any situation, it is better to prevent diseases than to cure them. In the case of guinea pigs, there are different kinds of rules, the knowledge of which and their application can protect our pet from unpleasant ailments.

First of all, it's important to carefully position the cage. The place chosen by us shouldn't be near a window or a door, because it can be exposed to drafts. Moreover, you should unconditionally avoid exposing the animal to changing temperatures, for example by placing the cage on a cold floor or taking it outside on windy, cold days.


The main symptoms of a guinea pig cold are apathy, decreased overall activity, coughing and sneezing. Their appearance in any situation should not be ignored by the owner, because untreated can lead to a much more dangerous pneumonia.

A very important preventive measure is to introduce an increased dose of vitamin C into the guinea pig's diet. This prevents deficiency of important components and avitaminosis, which usually manifests itself in the form of swelling and bleeding gums and muzzle cramps. The best vitamin C product that guinea pigs like is parsley.


Animals that are weakened are particularly susceptible to colds, so they should be given special care. It should be remembered, however, that even the healthiest guinea pig is at risk of illness if the wrong place for the cage has been chosen.

guinea pig treatment


If the cause of the cold is precisely placing the guinea pig's cage in places such as a cold floor or basement, for example, you should proceed as follows:

  • first of all, you need to rearrange the cage to remove the source of the cold,
  • keep the guinea pig warm,
  • give it products rich in vitamins to ensure the strengthening of its immune system.

It is also worth looking out for other conditions that often affect guinea pigs. One example is conjunctivitis, which is also caused by drafts. This condition is unpleasant, but less dangerous than a cold. In this situation, similar preventive measures should be taken, and special eye drops can be used after consulting your vet.

You should limit going out in the fresh air with your guinea pig only to warm days, when the temperature is not lower than 20 degrees. Keeping your pet out of the house causes an increased risk of illness. Usually, the cold itself is not the factor that is responsible for the formation of a cold, but it is also often accompanied by drafts, humidity, significant differences in temperature, improper nutrition or general weakness of the guinea pig. In this situation, it is therefore necessary to give it more attention and constantly monitor its general health.