Sunday, 19 May 2024


14 May 2021

Learn about the most common illnesses that hamsters suffer from. Learn how to react quickly in an emergency to help your pet.


Skin problems

In the case of older animals, thinning fur is normal. On the other hand, thinning fur in a young hamster may indicate a disease. Sometimes, hair loss is caused by poorly chosen diet, which does not provide the rodent with the necessary nutrients. However, if we see scabs and bald patches on the body of the favorite is a high probability that the rodent suffers from parasitic diseases, such as scabies or erosion. Similar symptoms on the skin also causes infection with ringworm. In case of observing skin changes as soon as possible we should go with the animal to the vet.

Overheating (coma)

Hamster in case of overheating lies down flat on the floor of the cage and stops moving. In some rodents there are also convulsions. To help the cuddly toy you should move the cage to a cooler place. If after several minutes hamster does not return to form, you should as soon as possible contact your vet. To prevent overheating, during high temperatures, the cage with the rodent should be located in a shady, airy location.

Falls and bruises

All kinds of falls from a height are a common cause of discomfort in hamsters. A rodent that has been the victim of a sudden accident requires immediate attention. As a result of pain, the animal may go into shock, so the owner should as soon as possible to calm the charge. The bruised hamster should be placed gently in a cage, provide warmth, peace and access to food, and regularly monitor the condition of the animal. Unfortunately, most painful accidents end with a visit to the veterinary office.


Bacterial infections of the eyes

Bacterial infections of the eye are extremely dangerous for rodents. The cause can be injury of the eye itself or its surroundings. In the case of infection, failure to intervene quickly can result in metastasis to the brain of the animal.

how to treat a sick hamster?

The main symptom of the disease is an intense squinting of the eyes. If the hamster squints because of strong light, it is not a cause for concern. However, when squinting lasts most of the day and is accompanied by tearing and secretion of pus, it indicates a disease. A sick eye gives the impression of being covered with fog.

Eye infection - treatment

Usually, the keeper of the hamster notices the problem when the eyeball protrudes. Scabs can also be seen on the surface. A sick eye in such a state can no longer be saved, so the fight for the other eye and the life of the rodent remains. As soon as possible you should go to the veterinarian for an antibiotic for the eyes. Usually the doctor will prescribe us Gentamicin 0.3% eye drops. The solution should be administered to the rodent according to the doctor's instructions, usually 3-4 drops per day.

Sticking eyes

In addition to bacterial infections, a common condition, especially in older hamsters is sticking eyes. This may be caused by pollutants (such as dust) in the air, or it may be an allergic reaction, or disease (such as a cold caused by a draft).


Hard, rapidly growing nodules may be indicative of cancer in your hamster. Note that cancerous tumors are easily mistaken for ulcers and harmless cosmetic changes. Internal cancerous lesions are complicated to treat, however external tumors (for example, breast cancer) can be successfully removed surgically. Your veterinarian will safely remove the tumors under anesthesia.


In addition to tumors, which are symptoms of cancer, look for other thickening under the surface of the skin. Also: loss of fur, lack of appetite, and general lethargy may be signs of cancer. Neoplasms are more frequent in female and older hamsters, but the way of breeding does not have much influence on the disease.

The final diagnosis should be made by an experienced veterinarian, who will also choose the right method of treatment for our cud.